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Tim Grimm and Ben Bedford

Friday, January 24, 2020
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
The Robin Theatre
1105 Washington Ave, Lansing
$20 Public; $18 Fiddle Members; $5 Students. Available online or at the box office at 6:30 PM

Tim Grimm and Ben Bedford- two highly acclaimed Midwestern songwriters, will make for a brilliant evening at the Fiddle.

Tim Grimm has spent years on stage performing in movies, TV series and plays. He brings an actors feel of storytelling and drama to his songs and paints portraits of the strength, determination and resolve of our midwest neighbors. These are people you may not know but when Tim is done they will be people you recognize.


Ben Bedford was named one of the “50 most significant folk singer-songwriters of the past 50 years” by Rich Warren of WFMT radio in Chicago. Bedford has performed all over the United States, and has completed three European concert tours.

His music is described (on his website) as “narrative folk music that introduces the characters of America. … His songs include intriguing sketches of America, its individuals, their victories and their struggles.”
