Lansing Area Folksong Society
Statement of Purpose and BYLAWS
Revised April 2016
The purpose of the Lansing Area Folksong Society is to preserve and promote folk music, folk dance, and folklore in the mid-Michigan area. We pursue this purpose by organizing and sponsoring public activities (such as concerts and dances) which both entertain and educate.
A) The name of the organization shall be the Lansing Area Folksong Society (LAFS). In addition, LAFS shall maintain paperwork to do business as Ten Pound Fiddle.
Article 2: Purpose; Sec. 501(c)(3): Open Meetings
A) The purpose of LAFS shall be to promote interest in folksong, folk music, folk literature, folk art, and folklore in the mid-Michigan area.
B) This purpose shall be accomplished through organizing and sponsoring public activities including, but not limited to, concerts, dances, festivals, exhibitions, publications, and research leading to public presentation.
C) LAFS shall be a nonprofit tax exempt corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. It shall engage in no activities other than those permitted under Section 501(c)(3) of the internal Revenue Code.D) All LAFS events shall be open to and all publications shall be obtainable by both LAFS members and the public.
Article 3: Membership; Membership Meetings
A) Membership in LAFS shall be open to anyone who pays membership dues without regard for race, color, creed, ethnic origin, nationality, sex, age, political persuasion, sexual preference, handicap status, or marital status.
B) Members may receive reduced admission prices to LAFS events and other privileges approved by the Board of Directors.
C) Membership meetings shall be held at least once per fiscal year.
D) Times and locations of membership meetings shall be set by the Board of Directors and announced by electronic or postal mail AND posting on the website at least two (2) weeks prior to membership meetings.
E) A quorum for a membership meeting shall consist of those members present at the meeting.
F) Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with standard parliamentary procedure.
G) All members who have reached the age of 13 years shall be entitled to one vote. Members must be present to vote at membership meetings.
H) Decisions of the membership shall be made by a majority vote of those voting.
I) Membership dues and terms of memberships shall be set by majority vote at a general membership meeting.
J) All capital expenditures exceeding $1,500.00 shall be approved by a majority vote at a membership meeting. All non-capital expenditures exceeding $2,500.00 shall be approved by a majority vote at a membership meeting.
K) Decisions not explicitly requiring a vote of the membership may be made at a membership meeting or by the Board of Directors.
Article 4: Board of Directors
A) The Board of Directors shall consist of the following positions elected by the membership: Secretary, Treasurer, Booking Manager, Dance Coordinator, Gate Manager, Membership Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Sound Director, Student Representative, and Volunteer Coordinator. At the first meeting of the fiscal year, the Board shall select one Director to serve as President for the year. The President, Secretary, and the Treasurer shall serve as the Officers of the Board.
B) The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times per year.
C) Board meetings shall be open to all members and to the public. Regular meeting times and locations shall be announced in advance. Special meetings may be held on short notice. Only Directors may vote.
D) A quorum for a Board meeting shall consist of a majority of Directors
E) Board decisions shall be made by a majority vote of Directors present. In the event of a matter requiring immediate attention, a poll of Directors may be conducted with approval requiring a majority of the entire Board.
F) No remunerations shall be given directors for services on the Board. Directors shall be entitled to free admission to all events in which LAFS is the primary sponsor.
G) All capital expenditures from $251.00 through $1,500.00 must be approved by the Board of Directors. All non-capital expenditures from $401.00 through $2,500.00 must be approved by the Board of Directors.
H) The Board of Directors may authorize specific individuals to sign binding documents.
Article 5: Elections of Directors; Term; Removal; Replacement
A) Directors shall be elected by plurality vote of the membership.
B) Only LAFS members who have reached the age of 18 shall be eligible to serve on the Board.
C) Directors shall serve for one fiscal year. Election dates shall be designated and announced by the Board of Directors at least eight (8) weeks prior to the end of its term.
D) Nominations shall be open for at least four (4) weeks and may be made by presenting a name and board position in writing to any Director.
E) Ballots shall be sent to all LAFS members by electronic or postal mail. Ballots may be returned to the LAFS mailing address or to the ballot boxes at LAFS events during the two-week election period. In the event that there are no contested board positions, the individuals nominated for each position shall be deemed elected without the need for balloting.
F) Ballots shall be counted at the conclusion of the election period by a panel consisting of at least two current Directors. Results shall be announced to the membership.
G) A Director may be removed from the board by a 2/3 vote of the membership. A special membership meeting shall be called to consider a motion for removal of a Director upon receipt by the Board of a petition signed by at least 25 members. A motion for removal shall be published at least two weeks prior to the special membership meeting.
H) Should a Director leave office during the term, the Board, by majority vote, may appoint a replacement with voting powers to serve out the remainder of the term.
Article 6: Director’s Responsibilities
A) The President shall be responsible for scheduling and conducting Board and membership meetings, and shall sign all legal documents on behalf of the Board, except those delegated by the Board of Directors or the bylaws to other LAFS members.
B) The secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes for both membership and board meetings and for making the minutes available to the membership.
C) The treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accounts, paying bills, keeping financial records, preparing financial statements and budgets, and preparing annual tax returns.
D) The booking manager shall be responsible for scheduling and contracting with Ten Pound Fiddle concert-series performers and for making other arrangements involving performances.
E) The dance coordinator shall be responsible for scheduling dances and for booking and contracting with dance bands and callers. S/he shall oversee collection and deposit of revenues generated at LAFS dances.
F) The gate manager shall be responsible for overseeing the collection and deposit of revenues generated by LAFS concerts and for payment of concert performers.
G) The membership coordinator shall be responsible for soliciting memberships, creating membership cards, and maintaining the LAFS membership list.
H) The publicity coordinator shall be responsible for arranging LAFS publicity and for publishing the LAFS schedule of events.
I) The sound director shall be responsible for overseeing maintenance of sound equipment, operating equipment for LAFS events, and negotiating contracts involving sound equipments.
J) The volunteer coordinator shall be responsible for organizing all non-board volunteer involvement in LAFS events and shall serve as a liaison between Directors and volunteers.
K) The student representative shall be at least a half-time student who is active in the folk community. S/he shall suggest and coordinate (with the help of the Board) folk activities of interest to local students. Specific duties will be determined each year based on interests of the Student Representative and needs of the Board.
L) A Director may delegate selected responsibilities and may offer certain specific privileges with Board approval.
M) No LAFS member may hold more than one position on the board, except the Board member who is chosen to serve as President.
N) A Director may authorize a single capital expenditure up to and including $250.00 or a single non-capital expenditure up to and including $400.00 without approval of the Board.
Article 7: Committees
A) The Board of Directors may establish committees and appoint members as necessary
B) Committees shall operate no longer than the end of the current fiscal year unless reauthorized by the Board.
Article 8: Fiscal year; LAFS budgets; Financial statements
A) The LAFS fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.
B) The treasurer shall use information provided by other Directors to develop a proposed budget at the beginning of the fiscal year. The proposed budget shall be distributed to the Directors for their review prior to the August board meeting. At the August board meeting, proposed budgetary changes shall be considered. The treasurer shall present the final budget for approval at the September board meeting.
C) The treasurer shall make all financial statements available to members upon request.
Article 9: Principal Office: Meeting locations, Mailing address
A) Regular meetings shall be held and records shall be kept in the Lansing area in the State of Michigan as fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors. The LAFS shall maintain a general email address and a local mailing address.
Article 10: Amendments
A) Proposed amendments to the LAFS bylaws shall be presented by electronic or postal mail to the membership by means of a ballot, to be returned within two weeks to the LAFS mailing address or to ballot boxes at LAFS events. The bylaws may be amended only with approval by at least two-thirds (2/3) of those voting.
Article 11: Dissolution
A) A proposal for dissolution of the LAFS may be presented to the membership by electronic or postal mail by means of a ballot to be returned within two weeks to the LAFS mailing address. Dissolution shall be approved by require the approval of three-fourths (3/4) of those voting.
B) Upon dissolution, all assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be donated by the Board of Directors to one or more tax exempt 501(c)(3) organizations.