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Sally Rogers and Claudia Schmidt

Friday, April 1, 2022
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
University United Methodist Church (UUMC)
1120 S. Harrison, East Lansing
$20 Public; $18 Fiddle Members; $5 Students. Available online or at the box office at 6:30 PM

A favorite of Ten Pound Fiddle audiences, Sally and Claudia have shared their talent both as solo artists and as a duo.  Claudia Schmidt and Sally Rogers have been weaving their voices, dulcimers, and guitars together for decades, creating an atmosphere of joy and musical lushness that audiences find so irresistible, they frequently join right in.

Sally Rogers

“Sally Rogers has a clear, fluid and remarkably agile voice, a keen sense of drama, and a most refreshing sense of fun.” – Peggy Seeger

Sally Rogers performs an evening of traditional, contemporary and original ballads and song, interwoven with stories taken from her life as a performer, a wife and a mother.

Throughout her concerts, she accompanies herself on guitar and Appalachian dulcimer, or performs without accompaniment in a voice that needs no further enhancement.

Reviewers have described her voice in superlatives ranging from “remarkable” to “mesmerizing.” As one critic summarized, “…it’s really next to impossible to do justice to a voice of that quality.”

Much of the material performed by Sally includes compositions of her own, many of which are considered classics of the folk and popular genre.


Claudia Schmidt

“Claudia Schmidt is a true artist-she has talent AND the fire of genius.” – The Boston Globe

Claudia Schmidt has been perfecting her craft of performing for almost four decades.

It is a quirky and wonderful hodge-podge (her word!) of music, poetry, story, laughter. drama, and celebrating the moment. Work in clubs, theaters, festivals, TV, radio has added depth and dimension, and since she has always included her original work along with very personal versions of the work of others, what you get is a unique look at the world from someone who says what she sees with clarity, humor, and wonder.

The San Francisco Bay Guardian said: Schmidt’s shows are a lot like falling in love. You never know what’s going to happen next, chances are it’s going to be wonderful, every moment is burned into your memory and you know you’ll never be the same again.”

More succinctly, Garrison Keiilor said “when Claudia sings a song, it stays sung”
