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Fiddle Scouts featuring The Fabulous Heftones

Saturday, February 8, 2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
MSU Community Music School
4930 S. Hagadorn, East Lansing
Requested donation per Saturday, $5-10 per child, collected at Fiddle Scout meetings.

Enjoy Brian and Lynn’s brand of lilting and energetic music from the 1920s… songs about birds, flowers, and love just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Harmony singing, whistling, and nonsense lyrics will delight all ages. Brian is a brilliant ukulele player. Lynn plays a Heftone, which is an upright bass that looks like a huge banjo. Dancing is encouraged. Everyone is sure to leave with smiles on their faces.

Learn more about them on their Facebook page.

Meant as a playful introduction to folk music, the Ten Pound Fiddle Scouts children’s concert series features a variety of interactive and accessible musical experiences for children ages 3+ and their families. Admission is free with a suggested donation of $5/child or $10/family. Refreshments provided.

Important Note: all shows this season will be held at the MSU Community Music School – parking is pay-by-plate unless you have an MSU employee parking pass.

Click here to make a donation to Fiddle Scouts!

For more information, email Julianna Wilson at fiddlescouts@gmail.com.