We are very excited to announce that the incomparable and hilarious Rachael Davis will be kicking off the Fiddle Scouts Children’s Concert Series this season!
What to expect: a 45-50 minute interactive concert with lots of opportunities to get the wiggles out followed by child-friendly refreshments.
Important Note: all shows this season will be held at the MSU Community Music School.
Admission is free with a suggested donation of $5/child or $10/family. Parking is pay-by-plate unless you have an MSU employee parking pass.
Meant as a playful introduction to folk music, the Ten Pound Fiddle Scouts children’s concert series features a variety of interactive and accessible musical experiences for children ages 3+ and their families. Refreshments provided. Suggested donation is $5 per child or $10 per family and can be paid online at the link below or with cash in person.
Click here to make a donation to Fiddle Scouts!
For more information, email Julianna Wilson at fiddlescouts@gmail.com.