Dear Friends of the Ten Pound Fiddle:
We miss you! And we miss the fine folk musicians who enrich our lives. Because of the pandemic, we aren’t able to offer live concerts, dances or Fiddle Scout events for the upcoming 2020-21 season. However, if one thing doesn’t work, another will!
We have developed an exciting concert series online! Our sound team has recorded most of our past concerts, so we have selected some of the best by some of your favorite musicians. Starting August 24th, we will post one concert every 2-3 weeks on the TPF website. The musicians have given permission to replay their concerts, and a donation link will allow listeners to send a donation directly to the musician. (Musicians, like so many others, have been especially hard-hit during the pandemic.)
The Fiddle also continues to underwrite Folk with Matt Watroba, which airs on WKAR-FM 90.5 every Sunday from 6 to 8 PM. Matt’s show provides a window into the current folk music scene and is broadcast to a large segment of Mid-Michigan and streamed online to listeners throughout the world.
In January of 2020, the Fiddle began renting office space at the University United Methodist Church on Harrison Road in East Lansing. The space hosts the Fiddle’s board meetings and work sessions and stores our archives and sound equipment. Currently we are combing through our archives and interviewing key people who have sustained the Fiddle through four decades. We plan to produce a publication for the Fiddle’s upcoming 50th anniversary.
Last spring, when live concerts were suspended, your generosity allowed the Fiddle to send each scheduled musician half of their guarantee.
Memberships keep the Ten Pound Fiddle afloat. This past year, new Bronze, Silver and Gold memberships were a big success. Along with our traditional Household, Individual+1, and Individual memberships, they allowed us to pay the bills. THANK YOU!!!
Click here to purchase or renew your membership.
We hope you will continue to support the Ten Pound Fiddle, enjoy Matt’s show and join us for the NEW online concerts from the archives of the Ten Pound Fiddle.
With deepest appreciation, the board of the Ten Pound Fiddle:
Dave Chapman
Chris Clampitt
Regina Fry
Beth Kelly
Linda McMillin
Hanno Meingast
Deb Pierce
Carrie Quisenberry
Sally Potter
Ruelaine Stokes
Carrie Thorn