6:30PM Potluck – bring a dish to share, with labeled serving utensil, plus your place setting(s) if possible
7:30PM New dancer lesson
8PM Contra dance party begins
9:45PM Break for special yummy desserts
12:00AM Welcome in the New Year!
Feel free to bring individually wrapped snacks to share. If you can, please bring a sweet or salty snack to share. If it’s gluten or dairy free, please label it. Thank you!
Place your name on your serving dishes, including serving utensils, so your items are returned to you.
Our Usual Gate Costs
Pay what you can: $5-30 ($20 suggested)
All dances taught – no partner needed. Wear loose clothes, comfortable shoes, and be prepared to have a good time! For more info, call 517-614-5858.