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Drummunity Percussion Experience with Lori Fithian

Saturday, March 4, 2023
10:30 am - 11:30 am
University United Methodist Church (UUMC)
1120 S. Harrison, East Lansing
Suggested donation of $5 per child or $10/family collected at each gathering.

Celebrate the return of Fiddle Scouts with the return of Lori Fithian and her “Drummunity” circle!

One of our most popular Fiddle Scouts events has been the”Drummunity” workshop led by the talented Lori Fithian from Ann Arbor, MI. This is a well-facilitated drum circle (no experience required) with drums and hand-percussion instruments provided for everyone! Lori’s “Drummunity” circles are high energy, fun and perfect for the whole family!

Intended for music enthusiasts ages 3 and up and their families. Refreshments provided.

**Please note the later start time (10:30-11:30am) than previous years.

Contact Julianna Wilson at fiddlescouts@gmail.com for more information.

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