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Community Songs for all ages with Joe Reilly

Saturday, March 9, 2019
10:00 am - 11:30 am
MSU Community Music School
4930 S. Hagadorn, East Lansing
Requested donation per Saturday, $5-10 per child, collected at Fiddle Scout meetings.

Come join folk enthusiasts ages 3 – 13 and their family for fun with Songwriter Joe Reilly.

Come join folk enthusiasts ages 3 – 13 and their family for fun with Songwriter Joe Reilly.

“I started to bring my guitar as a way to enhance the teaching, and I found that the kids just connected with the music so well,” Reilly says. “It grew very organically. I started doing more direct environmental education through my songwriting.” Joe Reilly, the children’s troubadour, was born.

“I never sat down and said, ‘I’m going to write a bunch of songs about nature with kids.’ That’s just the way the music led me.”

Learn more about Joe here:



Do your children love music? Come to Fiddle Scouts!

Fiddle Scouts offers young people a chance to explore folk music and the folk arts in a relaxed, community setting. You and your children are invited to attend!

Local or visiting musicians and artists engage children in a hands-on, interactive experience. Through fun and discovery, we’ll build the next generation of folk music fans.

For more information, click Fiddle Scouts on the website menu, contact Tamiko Rothhorn at 517.974.3751 or email her at fiddlescouts [AT] gmail.com.