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Contra and Square Dance

Saturday, May 18, 2019
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Foster Community Center
200 N Foster Street, Lansing
$10 for members, $12 for non-members, and $6 for students and first time dancers

Band: Wild Rumpus (Debra Clark Colón, Karl Clark Colón, & Bobby Douglas) Caller: Darlene Underwood. Sponsored by the Looking Glass Music and Arts Association.

Special Birthday Dance Event for Ulyana Maystrenko.

Ulyana Maystrenko is celebrating her 65th birthday this year!

Note location change: we’ll dance at the Foster Community Center at 200 N Foster Ave, Lansing, MI.  More details will be available soon, including afternoon and evening dance times & more.

All dances taught – no partner needed. Wear loose clothes, comfortable shoes, and be prepared to have a good time! Come early – at 6:30 – for a quick workshop on easy contra dance moves. For more info, call 517-614-5858.

Sponsored by the Looking Glass Music and Arts Association