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Elden Kelly and Andy Wilson CD Release

Thursday, April 17, 2025
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
The Robin Theatre
1105 Washington Ave, Lansing
$25 Public; $20 Fiddle Members; $5 Students. Available online or at the box office at 6:30 PM

When guitar phenom Elden Kelly lived in Lansing (has since moved to Memphis), he could be found jamming at local gigs with musician extraordinaire Andy Wilson. In the meantime, via electronic magic, the two have recorded a brand new CD and will celebrate its release with a Ten Pound Fiddle concert hosted by The Robin Theatre.

Elden Kelly and Andy Wilson are riveting instrumentalists inspired by jazz, blues, world, and traditional music. Transporting listeners on a journey from India to the Americas, Elden’s guitars and Andy’s harmonicas weave melodic magic. This incomparable duo will be celebrating the release of their first record.